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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Signs That You Have a Boring Job

You're introduced to everyone as "The Minesweeper God".

You have visited every website in the world.

You're the Spelling Bee Coordinator in rural Alabama.

You are the only one that is ready for the rush of ticket sales for that New
Kids on the Block reunion tour.

You're able to pull staples out of papers with your teeth.

Your doctor says that he's never seen someone exposed to so much photocopier
radiation in his life.

You've seen the late night commercial for the Chia Dildo.

You're the only actor on Melrose Place that doesn't get to have sex and
you've been on the show since the beginning.

Your workload is so intense that you can write Top 10 lists all day long.

In your 10 years on the force as an Amish Traffic Cop, you have not had to
write one single speeding ticket.

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