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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Cauliflower Tips

Cauliflower can be found in the produce section of most
health food stores, specialty markets, and supermarkets.
Choose a firm, heavy head with compact, white-colored
florets and no sign of brown specks, which form as
cauliflower ages. The leaves should be fresh and green.
Store it in a plastic bag with holes poked in it for up
to two days.

Wash cauliflower well just before using. Cut it into
florets by pulling away the leaves and cutting around
the core on the underside. Separate the florets by cutting
them apart from the inside of the cauliflower. The green
leaves at the base are edible, but have a pretty strong
flavor. Adding a tablespoon of lemon juice or a cup of
milk to the cooking water will prevent discoloration.

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