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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Joke: I Can't Hear You!

At one local church, Bill was in charge of taking up the offerings.  One Sunday after the services, the priest counted the cash and found it was smaller than anticipated, so he questioned Bill.   He told him that it did not seem enough for the size of the congregation.  Bill said that he did not take any of the offering.
The priest then said, "Get in the confessional," which Bill did.  Then the priest asked him did you take any of the offering."
Bill responded, "I can't hear you."
Again the priest asked, "Bill, did you take any of the offering?"
Again Bill answered, "I can't hear you."
This time the priest yelled, "BILL, DID YOU TAKE ANY OF THE OFFERING?"
Again Bill answered, "I can't hear you."
By this time the priest was getting a little angry so he came out of the confessional and said, "Bill, trade places with me and you can ask me a question."
So they traded places and Bill asked, "I hear that you and my wife are having an affair, is that true?"

To which the priest answered, "By golly you can't hear in here!" 

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