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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Nikon 7072 Lens Pen Cleaning System

The Nikon Lens Pen Cleaning Pen System is a great accessory for any optics user, making it great for maintaining your digital or film camera, binoculars, telescopes, or spotting scopes. The soft retractable brush combined with a non-liquid compound on a natural chamois tip removes fingerprints, dust and other debris that may compromise your lens. The small, pen-style design easily fits in any camera bag, as the soft brush retracts into pen body to stay clean.

Technical Details:
- A simple lens-cleaning system
- Small, pen-style design easily fits in any camera bag
- Soft brush retracts into pen body to stay clean
- Removes fingerprints, dust, and other debris that may compromise your image
- Works with all types of cameras (digital and film), as well as binoculars, telescopes, and other optical products

Nikon 7072 Lens Pen Cleaning System

Customer feedback;

1. If you haven't used a lens pen, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised -- it works well. The description doesn't make it very clear that this product has TWO different cleaning tools, one at each end. The brush, which retracts, is to take off dust particles. Hidden in the other end is a soft pad with a cleaning agent to remove fingerprints and more serious dirt, hopefully without damaging the anti-reflection coating on your lens. One more thought: another reviewer mentioned cleaning his lens daily with this product. That's not such a great idea. Camera lenses, and especially their anti-reflection coatings, are quite fragile. The more often you clean your lens, the more likely you'll damage the coating, or even scratch the lens due to a small dirt particle on the cleaning pad (likewise, NEVER clean a lens with bathroom tissues, since they contain tiny, hard wood chips).

2. This is a easy to use lens cleaning device. You use the bush end to remove any debris from the lens, and the pad end to remove fingerprints and the like. The bush is retractable and soft enough not to damage lenses.
The pad is treated (coated) in such a way as to remove fingerprints without leaving smudges. I have had excellent results using the Nikon Lens Pen on my Sony DSC F-828 digital camera. However it is important to note that the pad end is much too big to use on the electronic viewfinder (or anything else less than about a half an inch in diameter).

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