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Thursday, October 11, 2007

Natural treatment for dandruff

Do a rinse that is 1 part of apple cider vinegar to 3 parts of warm water.
Apple cider vinegar can also be applied directly (undiluted) to the scalp.
After the vinegar has had a chance to soak into the scalp, shampoo with a
very mild shampoo.
Dandruff is a dry scaly condition of the skin on the scalp and less often,
on the face and the torso.

It comes in two types:-

(A) Pityriasis-capitis- It is the simple kind consisting of white dry flakes
falling from the scalp. The result is due the rate at which the scalp sheds
its dry skin cells, which in turn depends on the health and diet of the
individual stress, too seems to be related.

Can be controlled by:-

(i) Paying more attention to health hygiene.

(ii) Consuming more fresh fruits in your diet.

(iii) Drinking plenty of water.

(iv) Rinsing the hair carefully after shampoo.

(v) Brushing gently to rid the hair of trapped cells.

(vi) Lightly massaging the scalp to dislodge the dandruff flakes.

If a simple routine like this does not work, consult a dermatologist on the
use of anti-dandruff shampoo, which might slow down the rate at which the
cells are shed from the scalp.

(B) Seborrhoeic Dermatitis:- If the scalp is very greasy, an individual
might end up with this type of dandruff, which is thick, oily, scaly,
crusted and weeping.

This condition almost always needs medical care and attention, but if it is
mild you can treat it at home by either using an anti-dandruff shampoo or
trying home remedies. The best remedy however is to wash hair regularly with
a shampoo containing selenium compound or cool tar extracts. Consult a
dermatologist if the problem is severe or persists.

Tips on Managing Dandruff

Restore the health of the scap by bringing about a positive change in your
diet and living habits.

Light oil massage, can help to dislodge the existing dandruff flakes.
Massage the scalp carefully. The fingertips should be used to move, the skin
on the scalp in small circulatory motions.

Keep your scalp very clean. This can be achieved by washing hair twice a
week with liquid shampoos.

Dandruff can be infections. Keep your belongings clean and separate to
eliminate the chances of infection. Whenever you wash your hair, soak your
hair brushes and combs in hot water containing antiseptic lotion.

Treatment with herbal extracts has been found to be effective. Herbs like
heena, amla, lemon, reetha have antiseptic properties and are wonderful

Bring about a positive modification into your lifestyle, to eliminate stress
and overcome dietary deficiencies.

Besides the anti-dandruff creams, lotions, oils and shampoos available in
the market, there are many simple house hold remedies to fight dandruff
described below:

Mix two tablespoons of cosmetic vinegar and six tablespoons of hot water.
Dab with cotton into the scalp, parting the hair with a comb apply all over
the scalp. Preferably it should be used at bed time. Tie a scarf over the
hair to avoid staining the pillow. Next morning wash the hair with shampoo.
After the hair is thoroughly cleansed pour over as a last rinse a mixture of
three tablespoons of cosmetic vinegar and one cup of hot water. Then dry the
hair thoroughly. This should be done twice a week for three months.

Hot oil therapy is another method to cure dandruff. Massage hot oil into the
scalp at bedtime. Next morning an hour before bath, rub lemon juice mixed
with cosmetic venegar (mix 1:2 ratio) into the scalp. Give the hair a good
wash and egg shampoo.

Give your hair a hot steam bath. Massage hot oil with a hot damp towel and
leave it on the head like a turban so that the steam can fight dandruff. You
may use two towels for this purpose.

Here is another beauty tip for your hair. After giving your hair a good
wash, boil five teaspoons of dried used tea leaves in lime water and use it
as a last rinse after shampoo. This gives the hair a lustrous shine and
provides nourishment too.

More treatments options for Dandruff:

Make an infusion of 1 ounce each of fresh or dried rosemary and sage in 2
cups of water. Let steep for 24 hours, then use daily as a hair rinse.

Boil 5 heaping Tbsp dried thyme in 2 cups water for 10 minutes. Strain and
cool. Pour 1/2 mixture over clean, damp hair. Massage into scalp, do not
rinse. Use second half of solution another day.

Instead of shampooing, massage handfuls of baking soda into the hair and
scalp to absorb oil and to loossen dead skin on scalp. Rinse thoroughly, use
no other shampoos. While initially the hair may seem dry, after several
weeks, dandruff will be gone and hair will be smooth and shiny.

Mint Rinse
1 cup water
1 cup apple cider vinegar
1 handful of fresh mint leaves
Strain and pour into a container. With fingertips, massage solution into the
scalp, let dry without rinsing out.

Use the hot oil treatment recipe given on this page.

Soothing Herbal Hair Rinse
Combine equal parts of dried rosemary, comfrey, witch hazel leaves and
nettles to make about 1/2 cup. Add to 2 cups of water in a covered pot.
Bring to a boil. Remove from heat and let steep overnight. Strain. Shampoo
and rinse hair then use herb tea for a final rinse to relieve itchy, flaky

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