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Monday, May 25, 2009

Photos tips for Wildlife Shooting

Tip 1 (Practice in zoos): Before you consider going out in the open for doing wildlife photography, practice the shooting of animals in your local zoo or wildlife park. This gives you practice with the concept of shooting animals, even though they are not in their natural habitat.

Tip 2 (Zoos vs. Wildlife parks): Continuing with the earlier part, if you have a choice, then you should shoot in a wildlife park rather than a zoo. A wildlife park is more open and closer to a natural habitat for an animal rather than a zoo. Of course, there is a greater chance that you may not find the animal in a wildlife park or an animal sanctuary.

Tip 3 (Patience while shooting): Even in the controlled environment of a zoo, you still need a lot of patience for wildlife shooting. I know of people who have tried to shoot some majestic animals such as lions and tigers, and it has taken multiple visits to get the proper shooting.

Tip 4 (Safety): Always keep in mind when shooting wildelife that the environment is not a controlled environment unless you are shooting from behind a cage or from inside a vehicle. Animals can react very differently to what you expect, and unless you are expert with these animals, always keep an outlook for your own safety.

Tip 5 (Spare the environment): When shooting wildelife, you should follow a dictum of being nature and animal friendly. Don't make changes such as manipulating bird nests or disturbing animals when you are trying to shoot them. You are there to capture the beauty of nature's creatures, and you should be at the front of efforts to ensure that they are not disturbed.

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