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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Study: Walnuts reduce the risk of cancer

Walnuts are supposed to be among the safer nuts to eat. They are suppose to contain Omega-3 fatty acids, supposed to be good for cholestoral, and for the heart. This is of course in comparison to the other type of nuts that are generally more sought after, such as salted peanuts, salted almonds, pistachios, and a few others. Well, here is a study that links the consumption of walnuts to a reduced risk of contracting breast cancer. Keep in mind that the study was done on laboratory animals, and not on humans, in general, walnuts are better as a quick snack rather than eating fatty or fried stuff (and if the cancer stuff works out to be true, what is the harm?). Link to article:

"We know that a healthy diet overall prevents all manner of chronic diseases,” the expert added. To reach the conclusion, researchers studied mice that were fed a diet that they estimated was the human equivalent of two ounces of walnuts per day. A separate group of mice were fed a control diet. Standard testing showed that walnut consumption significantly decreased breast tumor incidence, the number of glands with a tumor and tumor size.
Molecular analysis showed that increased consumption of omega-3 fatty acids
contributed to the decline in tumor incidence, but other parts of the walnut contributed as well.

To have absolutely proof, one would need to wait for more research in this area; however for women who would like to take the chance on reducing their risk levels for breast cancer, there is nothing wrong in making a small amount of walnuts as a part of a regular diet.

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