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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Canning Tips

* Choose only perfect produce. Overripe or damaged fruits and
vegetables are more prone to spoilage.

* Your jars, lids and sealing rings should be in good condition and
sterile (washed and scalded).

* Wash your produce thoroughly before processing.

* Know your produce. Be sure to use the correct time, temperature and
method of processing for the food you will be canning.

* After canning, check the seal on every jar to make sure they are
air tight - when you push down on a self-sealing lid, it should
stay down. Test porcelain lids by turning the jars upside down. If
you see a stream of tiny air bubbles, the seal is not air tight.

* Don't use foods from any jar that has a foamy or discolored
appearance. Watch for bulging or misshapen lids and leaking rims.
Throw those jars away.

* Home canned vegetables should be boiled before they are served
(with the exception of tomatoes).

* Choose only perfect produce. Overripe or damaged fruits and
vegetables are more prone to spoilage.

* Your jars, lids and sealing rings should be in good condition and
sterile (washed and scalded).

* Wash your produce thoroughly before processing.

* Know your produce. Be sure to use the correct time, temperature and
method of processing for the food you will be canning.

* After canning, check the seal on every jar to make sure they are
air tight - when you push down on a self-sealing lid, it should
stay down. Test porcelain lids by turning the jars upside down. If
you see a stream of tiny air bubbles, the seal is not air tight.

* Don't use foods from any jar that has a foamy or discolored
appearance. Watch for bulging or misshapen lids and leaking rims.
Throw those jars away.

* Home canned vegetables should be boiled before they are served
(with the exception of tomatoes).

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