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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Cancer research: Keep up the good mood to increase your chances of survival

For those patients undergoing cancer treatment, many medical institutions also insist or recommend that they get counselling, and also ask family members to ensure that the mood remains light. This was seen as giving the patient more hope, a better chance of undergoing the various emotional and pyschological problems that afflict a person who is undergoing the trauma of cancer treatment. Now, it appears that there is actually scientific reasoning behind such a counselling and hope-for-better reasoning, since a study found that people who have good mental health and feel optimistic are actually better off in terms of their chances of surviving cancer than those patients who feel depressed (link to article):

People with cancer who are depressed are more likely to die than are patients with good mental health, psychologists reported Monday in the science journal Cancer. The study reported that death rates from cancer "were up to 25 per cent higher in patients experiencing depressive symptoms and up to 39 per cent higher in patients diagnosed with major or minor depression."
But Satin warned, "I want people to be cautious about this. We have not shown that depression itself causes mortality -- but we have a suggestion that this is possible." Satin cautioned against trying to match a specific patient's likelihood of death with the startling finding that death rates can be up to 39 per cent higher with depression that is serious enough to be diagnosed.

Even while scientists and researches try to find a link between cancer outcomes and mental health, it would anyhow be positive for people to try and ensure that cancer patients get all the help they need to have a more positive outlook to life.

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How to Prevent and Treat Cancer with Natural Medicine (Paperback)

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