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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

English classic - Vanity Fair (1847-48)

A classic book by William Makepeace Thackeray, a satire about society in Victorian times, around the time of Napoleon, and contrasts the tale of 2 women, one of whom will do anything to get what she wants, and the other one, who is honest, believing, and trusts people even when they are not to be trusted.
A review of this book (link to article):

The title of the book, Vanity Fear, is taken from an earlier work, John Bunyan's allegorical story The Pilgrim's Progress, published long before in 1678, and supposed to represent a place called Vanity, where there is a ongoing fair that is meant to represent man's attachment to worldly things, and supposed to represent the sin of man. The book was seen as a bitter satire of society, as showcased in the quest of one of the anti-hero (or anti-heroine, to be more accurate), who is cunning, and uses all her qualities to work her way up in life.

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