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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Humour: Halloween Humor

Why did the vampire go to the orthodontist?

- To improve his bite.

What do you get when you cross a vampire and a snowman?

- Frostbite.

Why do witches use brooms to fly on?

- Because vacuum cleaners are too heavy.

How do witches keep their hair in place while flying?

- With scare spray.

Do zombies eat popcorn with their fingers?

- No, they eat the fingers separately.

Why don't skeletons ever go out on the town?

- Because they don't have anybody to go out with.

What is a vampire's favorite sport?

- Casketball.

What would a monster's psychiatrist be called?

- Shrinkenstein.

What do you call someone who puts poison in a person's corn flakes?

- A cereal killer.

What kind of streets do zombies like the best?

- Dead ends.

What type of dog do vampire's like the best?

- Bloodhounds.

What does a vampire never order at a restaurant?

- A stake sandwich.

What is a skeleton's favorite musical instrument?

- A trombone.

What do birds give out on Halloween night?

- Tweets.

Why do vampires need mouthwash?

- They have bat breath.

Why did the Vampire subscribe to the Wall Street Journal?

- He heard it had great circulation.

Why don't mummies go on vacation?

- They are afraid that they might relax and unwind

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