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Monday, March 26, 2007

Fun number puzzle with birthday

Using a calculator with this puzzle might help

Take the number of the month you were born,
multiply by 4,
add 13,
multiply by 25, subtract 200,
add the day of the month on which you were born,
multiply by 2, subtract 40, multiply by 50, add the last two digits of the year in which you were born,
subtract 10,500.

Notice anything funny about your answer?

Did your math teacher teach you this?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Google Images Cool Stuff

1. Go to Google
2. Click images
3. Type "flowers" or any other word.
4. You will get a page which is having full of images
5. Then delete the URL from the address bar and paste the below script

javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI= document.images; DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i<DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.left=Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5;*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5}R++}setInterval('A()',5); void(0)

6. See the magic.

Actually, this will work on any page that has images on it. Looks very cool.